He thought her campaign would probably fade out soon in any case. 他认为不管怎样,她的竞选活动都可能会很快归于沉寂。
If you tend to fade out on your workouts on weekends, plan some fun exercise with friends to spice up your lagging routine. 如果你周末容易放松自己的训练计划,安排一些和朋友们一起进行的有趣的活动,给自己单调呆板的健身活动增添趣味。
The text will then fade out after2000ms ( 2 seconds) on the screen. 随后,文本将在2000ms(2秒)后从屏幕中淡出。
Then, the window button and title fade out, and the Twitter panel fades in. 然后,窗口按钮和标题淡出,Twitter面板逐渐淡入。
Move the mouse around into various windows to see the focus designator track across your display and gradually fade out. 在各个窗口中到处移动鼠标,查看跨越显示屏跟踪的焦点指示器和淡出效果。
You should see the element fade out and disappear from the page. 您可以看到元素逐渐淡出,从页面上消失了。
They fear that passion toward traditional Chinese holidays, particularly among young people, will slowly fade out. 他们担心人们,尤其是年轻人,对于中国传统节日的热情会逐渐降温。
The lights go to black and SLIDES FADE OUT. A spot falls on one man who is in a legion suit and beret. 灯光变暗,幻灯背景片消失,一束追光投在一男子身,他身着军装,头戴贝雷帽。
Shadows fade out at the end of shadow distance, and further than that objects are not shadowed. 对于平行光阴影的质量和性能,阴影的距离是非常重要的。
This old man decided to fade out and leave the work to the young people. 这位老人决定慢慢退下来,把工作留给年轻人去干。
My suggestion is that the proactive fiscal policy to fade out as soon as possible. 我的建议是,积极的财政政策,以淡出尽快。
Till now, the begging mores on the Double-Seventh Festival seem to fade out, but the legend of Niu Lang and Zhi Nu is still on the lips of people. 如今,七夕乞巧的风俗似乎正在淡化,不过牛郎织女的传统却依旧在人们的口耳间广为流传。
If you think, I would like to fade out from your life. 如果你想,我愿意淡出你的生活。
The influx of money is creating new jobs in hotels and restaurants as traditional industries like farming and timber fade out. 资金的流入创造了新的旅馆和餐饮就业机会,而传统的农业及林业日渐式微。
TV might fade out in the future. 在将来,电视可能会消散,香港六个彩资料。
The lights on the church began to fade out. 教堂中的灯光逐渐消失。
If enabled, the Element will fade in to full strength when it becomes visible and fade out when it isn't. 如果启用,元素当它可见时淡入大和当它不可见时淡出。
Since then, this small cactus on the fade out of our lives. 从此,这小小的仙人球就淡出了我们的生活。
Promise to never let him fade out of your life. 向我们保证永远别让他从你的生命中淡出。
Fade out the music at the end of the scene. 在这个场景的末尾把音乐逐渐减弱。
Fade out the sound gradually at the end of the scene. 最后一场中把声音渐渐隐去。
I think your signal is going to fade out. 我想你的信号变得衰弱了。
When budget-cutting resumes next month, undue zeal to curb short-term public spending could add to the fiscal contraction under way as the stimulus measures of 2009 and 2010 fade out. 削减财政开支的措施下月将会恢复,而随着2009年和2010年的刺激措施逐步退出,如果过于激进地约束短期公共支出,可能会加剧目前的财政紧缩。
Specifies the time for audio to fade out to silence. 指定声音淡出到静音的时间。
Mr alahuhta said gradual recovery was under way in US construction but warned it remained fragile as the splurge of government stimulus spending over the past two years much of it pumped into infrastructure projects starts to fade out. 阿拉胡赫塔表示,美国建筑业正在逐渐复苏,但警告称,随着过去两年的政府刺激支出(其中相当大部分投入基础设施项目)开始消退,美国的局面仍然脆弱。
The problem of how far the active financial policy will go and when it will fade out according to the present situation and the forecast of future is worth being thought about. 针对我国经济现状及对未来的预测,积极财政政策还会走多远,它何时淡出,这一问题值得思考。
However, we should fade out the positive financial policy which is disadvantageous into currency policy. 关于我国实行积极财政政策问题,弊大于利,必须逐步淡出,让信给货币政策。
In teaching management, students subject words fall but fade out teaching outside the teaching management. 在教学管理中,学生主体话语权旁落而淡出教学管理之外。
When Mainland literature stepped into the new phase and Taiwan literature went into 1970s, political nature in both literatures appeared to fade out gradually. Since then, literature has become relatively independent and self-contained. 大陆文学进入新时期之后,台湾文学进入1970年代后,文学的政治性都呈现出一个逐步淡化的过程,文学取得了相对的独立性和自足性。
When digital TV will replace analog TV, analog TV and gradually fade out the market. 届时数字电视将代替模拟电视,模拟电视逐步淡出市场。